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Rectifier systems in thyristor technology

Battery backed up DC-power supply systems which are securing the power supply for monitoring and regulation of manufacturing processes and electronic devices are widely used in nearly all fields of public life and industry. In these areas safety and reliability against mains failures play an important role. Considering this we have designed the rectifier series BWrug-V that combines the proven and robust thyristor technology with most reliable single monitoring units and meets the highest requirements of nowadays DC-power supply installations.

Your advantages:

  • Best price/performance relation
  • Highest reliability thanks to
    • the use of state-of-the-art and robust thyristor technology
    • the separation of regulating and monitoring units In case of failure of one monitoring unit the regulating unit keeps on working at full available power
  • Flexible monitoring accessories
    • measuring instruments for a fast overview and an exact display of the values
    • LED-indication of all alarms
    • remote contacts for each alarm
  • Made in Germany
Datenblätter EBT_BWrug-V.pdf
Technische Daten/Varianten
Eingangs-Spannung Eingangs-Strom Ausgangs-Spannung Ausgangs-Strom Gewicht
V A V A kg
24 / 5 230 1,1 24 5 22
24 / 10 230 2,2 24 10 25
24 / 20 230 4,3 24 20 31
24 / 30 230 6,5 24 30 35
24 / 40 230 8,7 24 40 46
24 / 50 230 10,7 24 50 51
24 / 60 230 13,0 24 60 54
24 / 80 230 10,7 24 80 130
24 / 100 230 13,0 24 100 150
48 / 15 230 6,5 48 15 33
48 / 20 230 8,7 48 20 48
48 / 25 230 10,9 48 25 51
48 / 30 230 13,0 48 30 54
48 / 40 230 17,4 48 40 48
48 / 50 230 21,6 48 50 130
48 / 60 230 25,8 48 60 150
60 / 5 230 2,7 60 5 24
60 / 10 230 5,4 60 10 31
60 / 15 230 8,2 60 15 42
60 / 20 230 10,9 60 20 48
60 / 25 230 13,6 60 25 54
60 / 30 230 16,3 60 30 62
60 / 40 230 21,6 60 40 130
60 / 50 230 25,2 60 50 150
60 / 60 230 30,2 60 60 170
110 / 5 230 5,0 110 5 32
110 / 10 230 10,0 110 10 46
110 / 15 230 15,0 110 15 54
110 / 20 230 20,0 110 20 62
110 / 30 230 29,0 110 30 150
110 / 40 230 38,0 110 40 180
220 / 5 230 10,0 220 5 46
220 / 10 230 20,0 220 10 62
220 / 15 230 29,0 220 15 150
220 / 20 230 38,0 220 20 180
24 / 60 3 x 400/230 4,3 24 60 78
24 / 80 3 x 400/230 5,7 24 80 83
24 / 100 3 x 400/230 7,1 24 100 99
24 / 120 3 x 400/230 8,5 24 120 107
24 / 150 3 x 400/230 10,4 24 150 168
24 / 200 3 x 400/230 13,6 24 200 172
24 / 300 3 x 400/230 20,3 24 300 238
24 / 400 3 x 400/230 28,2 24 400 271
24 / 500 3 x 400/230 34,9 24 500 325
48 / 40 3 x 400/230 5,7 48 40 85
48 / 50 3 x 400/230 7,1 48 50 99
48 / 60 3 x 400/230 8,5 48 60 105
48 / 80 3 x 400/230 11,2 48 80 168
48 / 100 3 x 400/230 14,4 48 100 175
48 / 120 3 x 400/230 16,0 48 120 184
48 / 150 3 x 400/230 29,8 48 150 238
48 / 200 3 x 400/230 26,6 48 200 271
60 / 40 3 x 400/230 7,1 60 40 88
60 / 50 3 x 400/230 8,9 60 50 102
60 / 60 3 x 400/230 10,6 60 60 163
60 / 80 3 x 400/230 14,1 60 80 175
60 / 100 3 x 400/230 17,6 60 100 185
60 / 120 3 x 400/230 21,2 60 120 192
60 / 150 3 x 400/230 26,6 60 150 248
60 / 200 3 x 400/230 31,2 60 200 277
60 / 300 3 x 400/230 46,8 60 300 313
60 / 400 3 x 400/230 62,4 60 400 352
60 / 500 3 x 400/230 77,9 60 500 402
110 / 30 3 x 400/230 9,2 110 30 150
110 / 40 3 x 400/230 12,3 110 40 170
110 / 50 3 x 400/230 15,3 110 50 190
110 / 60 3 x 400/230 18,3 110 60 200
110 / 80 3 x 400/230 25,7 110 80 240
110 / 100 3 x 400/230 31,4 110 100 280
110 / 120 3 x 400/230 37,1 110 120 300
110 / 150 3 x 400/230 42,4 110 150 340
110 / 200 3 x 400/230 55,1 110 200 380
110 / 300 3 x 400/230 82,4 110 300 470
110 / 400 3 x 400/230 109,9 110 400 570
110 / 500 3 x 400/230 137,4 110 500 660
220 / 20 3 x 400/230 12,3 220 20 160
220 / 30 3 x 400/230 18,3 220 30 180
220 / 40 3 x 400/230 25,7 220 40 200
220 / 50 3 x 400/230 31,4 220 50 230
220 / 60 3 x 400/230 37,1 220 60 250
220 / 80 3 x 400/230 49,5 220 80 300
220 / 100 3 x 400/230 55,1 220 100 340
220 / 120 3 x 400/230 66,2 220 120 380
220 / 150 3 x 400/230 82,4 220 150 420
220 / 200 3 x 400/230 109,9 220 200 500
220 / 250 3 x 400/230 137,4 220 250 580
220 / 300 3 x 400/230 164,8 220 300 700
220 / 400 3 x 400/230 219,8 220 400 900
220 / 500 3 x 400/230 273,3 220 500 1100
Zurück zur Auswahl

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