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wartungsfreie verschlossene Bleibatterien, sehr lange Gebrauchsdauer bei höchster Energiedichte und kompaktem Design
The introduction of EON Technology® further extends the technical leadership of PowerSafe® SBS batteries: not only do the PowerSafe SBS B14 - 190F monoblocs and SBS 410 cell retain the benefits typically associated with EnerSys® Thin Plate Pure Lead technology (long life, high energy density, superior shelf life, etc.), they now also deliver exceptional cyclic performance in both float and fast charge applications, even in the hottest and harshest operating environments.
Where conventional VRLA AGM batteries struggle to cope with harsh conditions, remote locations and frequent power outages, the combination of EON and TPPL technologies makes PowerSafe SBS 2V and 12V batteries the perfect solution for the challenging operating conditions of today’s telecommunication networks.
With the introduction of the SBS 410 cell, the PowerSafe SBS EON Technology battery range is now available in two configurations: the front terminal design that allows for maximum back-up power within a given cabinet installation, and the top terminal design typically used for open rack installations.
For power, performance and reliability, there is no substitute to PowerSafe SBS EON Technology batteries.
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