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Powersafe V Batterien sind wartungsfreie, verschlossene Bleibatterien, die speziell für den Einsatz in Ersatzstromversorgungsanlagen entwickelt wurden, die höchsten Anforderungen an Sicherheit und Verfügbarkeit genügen müssen.
The EnerSys® range of PowerSafe® V batteries has been designed specif cally for use in applications that demand the highest levels of security and reliability. With proven compliance to the most rigorous international standards, PowerSafe V batteries are recognised worldwide as a premium solution for Telecom applications. The reputation of PowerSafe V batteries for long service life, together with excellent high rate performance, also makes it the number one choice for high integrity, high specif cation UPS systems.
PowerSafe V cells and monoblocs deliver superior performance whilst occupying less space than conventional standby power batteries. The use of V-0 rated, f ame retardant, ABS plastic for the thick wall containers and lids offers high mechanical strength with excellent safety features.
PowerSafe V batteries are designed using proven gas recombination technology that removes the need for regular water addition by controlling the evolution of hydrogen and oxygen during charging. Oxygen evolved at the positive plates diffuses through microporous separators to the negative plates and, by a series of chemical reactions within the cell, recombines to form water. Each cell incorporates its own safety valve that allows the controlled release of gas when pressure builds up within the cell.
The use of gas recombination technology for lead acid batteries has totally changed the concept of standby power. This technology provides the user with the freedom to use lead acid batteries in a wide range of applications.

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